About EU «Vedi»

Our History

The company «Econometric Unit "Vedi"» was registered in July, 1 1993, but its origins go back to the beginning of 1992. Christian Science Monitor in the article «Russian Elite Creates Glut of Think Tanks» wrote: «…While many academics found themselves driving taxis or cleaning people's homes, others like Mr. Vedev have done well thanks to a touch of free-market chutzpah. Vedev built up an influential client base of contacts he had cultivated at the state-run Academy of Sciences. In time, he developed his own unit of researchers and analysts specializing in the emerging capitalism. Now he runs a respected economic analysis center in Moscow».

The goal of the founders of EU «Vedi» was to create an independent analytical center, capable of informational/analytical monitoring of Russian economic development and the condition of the Russian banking system and financial markets. There was a pressing need for such a company, since analytical departments of commercial banks and other financial companies, as well as state institutions and Russian Academy of Science's branches were either dependent or subject to tough budget constraints. In both cases that influenced the quality of information and limited the possibilities for scientific cooperation.

From the early beginning EU «Vedi» directed its efforts towards cooperation with information agencies, Moscow and regional exchanges, as well as with state agencies such as Goskomstat, Central bank, etc. Our goal was not only to collect, verify and put in order the information, but also to process and analyze it. All of that helped us to offer a new product for Russian analytical market of that time - analytical journals, where the analysis of Russian economic developments and the state of the Russian banking system and financial markets was based on the spatio-temporal approach. Over the course of more than ten years EU «Vedi» published daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly outlooks, depending on time preferences of our clients. But irrespective of the type of our research the main principle of our activity is independent professional analysis. We also follow this principle when doing special research. EU «Vedi» took part in more than 100 research projects for state and commercial, Russian and foreign companies.

A full and well-structured statistical database has also been constructed. It includes a wide range of statistical information covering all spheres of Russian economy, national banking system and financial markets. The database provides the full information on the development trends of Russian economy, national banking system and financial markets for the whole period of modern history of Russia, i.e. since 1992.

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